Amazon France and UK Unbolt Sales of Lumia 950 XL

Amazon France and UK online stores stopped selling Lumia 950 XL. Whereas the genuine reason is not uncovered yet, but both France and UK online stores have started selling the device again.



On the Amazon UK store, Lumia 950 XL black model is back for sale, whilst white model mostly remains of the stock. Retailer’s French website shows pictures of the white model so in-short the device is again available on the websites. To stop sales of the device was temporary decision of the retailer. The reason of pulling sales back could be anything but on both websites a message appeared that customers of the Amazon told that there is problem with their inventory of the mobile, so the device will be still available by other retailers on the website but not directly by Amazon.


The retailer is currently working on resolving the issue and selling the device again. Actually, customers might have experienced some major issues that is why Amazon took the decision to pull back device from sales. Another reason could be the way the item was shipped to the customers. For example, if there is an issue with the device, then definitely manufacturer is accountable; if there was a problem with shipment then of course the retailer is responsible. The reason could be anything that is partly vague, only Amazon knows the cause behind the decision.

Amazon Germany also pulled back Lumia 950 XL. There is some assumption that the device is sent to Microsoft to update it with firmware and OS. The update will resolve the issue that is causing an error in the device. To have updated device in the hands users can wait till latest OS and firmware version is sent to your mobile Lumia 950 XL, or you can also use Windows Device Recovery Tool to explode the latest versions on your device. Updates enable users to download international keyboard and much more. Simply the user will enjoy its Windows phone after updates.



There was also a shortage of white color and now the company is supplying more inventories to those retailers that are running out of the stock. Despite a lot of complaints Microsoft Lumia 950 XL is selling faster than the company is producing.