Samsung issued list of devices getting Android 5.0 updates soon

Recently we have found out the details about updates by Samsung different Galaxy devices for updating 4.4.2KitKat and 4.4.4Kitkat operating system. The aim of these updates is to bring all Samsung devices that are Android KitKat based to Android 5.0 Lollipop through these updates.


The sequence of update release by Samsung started from selected devices on 4.4.2KitKat in the United States and abroad. The devices that received these updates include Galaxy S5, Galaxy S4, Galaxy Note 3, Galaxy Note 2, and even the old Samsung Galaxy S3. The updates relating to 4.4.2 has brought many new features as well as bug fixes to enhance the users experience and updating the devices.

The Samsung has not targeted 4.4.2KitKat operating devices for these updates but has something more in its mind. It is updating all its devices that are operated on Android operating system irrespective of age of the device. They have not considered the date of release of the devices and they are in fact giving a true backup to all their products. Samsung is also issuing out the 4.4.4KitKat updates to some selected devices. The criteria for the selection of these devices are their compatibility to host the Android 5.0 lollipop. By the end of year Google will also use these updates to replace Android 4.4.4 KitKat.

Although the Android 5.0 lollipop is already operative but still all the 4.4 KitKat devices will be updated with the new version of operating system. More details about Samsung Galaxy users have been found out. The Samsung is continuously issuing updates and this process includes even the not very old devices Galaxy S4 and Galaxy Note 2. That is not all; Samsung has even bigger plans about these updates.

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