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Smart phone Features



This is the most common type of sensor that allows the mobile phone to measure the motion and tilt in the cell phone. Additionally it’s capable of detecting and measuring the different motion gestures and rotation. Most commonly, this sensor is used for auto screen rotation when a user wants to use the mobile in landscape mode instead of portrait mode or vice versa. 


Accelerometer measures the rate of change or linear motion or position of the cell phone where the gyroscope sensor measures the angular motion and rotation in the cell phone. Both of these sensors are added as one unit in cell phones and they measure the overall motions and gestures together in the cell phone. 


Pedometer is also known as the step counter sensor and it’s the sensor that only high class and most expensive latest smart phones have. With this sensor, the user can track and count his steps that he took to walk from one point to another. 

Fingerprint scanner

This technology is being used in computer and other IT field for years where the finger prints are used as the password to enter in classified areas either virtually or actually. Now this technology is introduced in mobile phones and recently Samsung has included this feature in its Galaxy S5 smart phone. With this feature you don’t need to unlock your device with keystrokes but you just need to put your thumb on the display glass and it will detect the finger prints of its owner. 


In touch screen mobiles, it’s a big problem that when you attend a call and put the mobile to your ear, the skin on the ear touches the mobile and it enables different functions including ending the call too. To make sure that when a user in on call, no other function is done accidently, proximity sensors are installed in the cell phones. These sensors make sure that as long as the phone is touching your ears, it won’t be possible to access any tools or function in the cell phone. 


Expensive smart phones are equipped with small sized magnet and that magnet allows the user to use the mobile phone as a dedicated compass to detect North and South Pole. 


It’s a sensor that has nothing to do with the change or measurement in the weather even if the title suggests so. This is a sensor that helps the GPS system in the mobile phone to track and lock the position and location of the cell phone quickly and faster than a device that doesn’t have a barometer sensor. 


This sensor measures the humidity in the air and allows the users with medical conditions to take precautions before entering a climate with more humidity. 

Air Gesture

This sensor detects the different gesture made with the hands of the user. Recently, Samsung has added this sensor in its Note 3 and Galaxy S4 smart phones. This sensor allows the users to swipe the screen of their smart phone right to left or up to down just by swiping their hands in front of the sensor. 

Heart rate

This is a very unique and special sensor that is not included in most of the devices but only a few of the mobile phone models include this sensor. As the title suggests, it’s the sensor that monitors and measures the heart rate of the user. 


It’s pretty obvious from the title that this sensor measures the change and amount of temperature and helps the users perform more accurate functions i.e. laboratory experiments. 

Smart stay, smart pause, smart scroll:

All these functions are done by a single sensor that measure the movements of the eyes of the user and operates the cell phone according to them. For example while watching a movie, if you look other way besides the screen of the smart phone, it will automatically stops the video until you again look at the smart phone screen. Also if you swipe your eyes from upwards to downwards, it can scroll the pages or images with your eyes’ motions.